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A New Era in
Radiotherapy for
All Stages of Cancer

For the first time ever, SCINTIX™
biology-guided radiotherapy from
RefleXion uses signals from the
cancer itself to control
treatment delivery.

Autonomous Treatment Delivery with SCINTIX Therapy

SCINTIX breakthrough technology enables each cancer’s unique biology to autonomously control where and how much radiation to deliver, second-by-second, during actual treatment. Delivered by the RefleXion® X1 platform, SCINTIX technology interacts with a live data stream produced by the tumors in response to an injected radiopharmaceutical. The X1 platform and the tumor communicate continuously, even if tumors are moving, to create a tracked dose delivery.

SCINTIX Technology: The Backbone of Your Metastatic Practice

SCINTIX therapy expands the RefleXion X1 into the only dual-treatment modality platform that can treat patients with indicated solid tumors of any stage – even those with metastatic disease. In late-stage cancer, research studies confirm improved patient outcomes in some cancers by using a combined drug-radiotherapy approach, but the average number of tumors radiotherapy can reach is limited using conventional techniques.1 SCINTIX therapy aims to one day reach the metastatic cohort by treating multiple tumors on the same treatment day.

1Liu W, Bahig H, Palma DA. Oligometastases: Emerging Evidence. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2022 Dec 20;40(36):4250-60.

Breakthrough Motion Management

SCINTIX therapy received Breakthrough Device designation from the FDA for lung tumors because of its ability to dose-track moving targets. SCINTIX therapy manages motion using signals streaming from inside the tumor themselves. By doing so, it potentially reduces the planning target volume, thereby reducing toxicity to healthy tissue and preserving dose to treat additional tumors. Dosimetry research at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center demonstrated that the PTV in non-small cell lung cancer patients could be reduced by up to 21.5%.

Wong et al. Biology-Guided Radiotherapy for Lung SBRT Reduces Planning Target Volumes and Organs at Risk Doses, Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys. 2019;105:254 DOI:

Let Cancer Do the Driving

  • Use radiopharmaceuticals in a novel way to transform each tumor into a biological beacon
  • Emissions streaming live from each tumor control radiotherapy autonomously

A Workhorse Platform and
a New Service Line

  • SCINTIX biologic modality for unprecedented motion management
  • Fan-beam kVCT provides state-of-the art anatomic guidance for SBRT/IMRT/SRS
  • Provide a new treatment option for patients with metastatic disease

We’re overcoming today’s limitations

to improve the standard of care.