We believe the future is in motion – and this belief shaped the development of SOMATOM go.Open Pro. This advanced CT simulator is designed to provide clinicians the right starting point to support new treatment approaches with the necessary tools to manage the individual complexities of patients. By harnessing the power of a unique detector width, improved tumor contrast and intelligent real-time breathing adaptation, it delivers exceptional clarity for confident treatment planning. Input from RT specialists guided the design, so the fully integrated hardware and software are specifically tailored to your requirements. This streamlined solution was created to reduce errors in a complex workflow and potentially reduce time to treatment. It simplifies your tasks and reduces the likelihood of errors, allows to shorten your workflow and save valuable time.
The Future Is in Motion
Push the Boundaries
A CT simulator that provides seamless patient marking and reduces unwarranted variations that can break down the barriers to modern treatments and individualized care – SOMATOM go.Open Pro allows you to push the boundaries for challenging cases.
This simulator reduces unwarranted variations with high-quality OAR contours.
- Save time by eliminating manual steps with DirectORGANS3 (e.g., ribs, sternum, and lung lobes contours).
- Pave the way for research in the field of cardiac toxicity with cardiac chamber segmentation.
AI-powered DirectORGANS3 delivers consistent organs-at-risk (OAR) auto-contouring. It offers the world’s first contours generated by a CT simulator using an optimized reconstruction, and deep learning.

Reduce motion artifacts with real-time breathing adaptation
Direct i4D
Direct i4D delivers the world’s first 4D CT that adapts to the patient’s breathing in real time. During the 4D CT scan, SOMATOM go.Open Pro intelligently adapts the scanning parameters to the individual breathing pattern in real time. The system is therefore able to account for changes in breathing frequency and amplitude as illustrated above. Automated 4D reconstruction and optimized binning further reduces breathing induced artifacts and improves image quality. This can potentially decrease target margins, and leads to less dependency on user and patient.

Direct i4D delivers the world’s first 4D CT that adapts to the patient’s breathing in real time.
During the 4D CT scan, SOMATOM go.Open Pro intelligently adapts the scanning parameters to the individual breathing pattern in real time. The system is therefore able to account for changes in breathing frequency and amplitude as illustrated above. Automated 4D reconstruction and optimized binning further reduces breathing induced artifacts and improves image quality. This can potentially decrease target margins, and leads to less dependency on user and patient
Push the boundaries for lung and liver cancer treatment.
• Robust and simple 4D image acquisition for every user, with potential to avoid re-scans and time-consuming edits
• Fewer motion artifacts for accurate visualizations of moving tumors
• More confident treatment planning with potential for smaller target margins
Simulation Reinvented
Take Integration Further

Other features:
- 4DCT scanning and Respiratory Motion Management3 with FAST 4D provides automated and reproducible results independent of the operator.
- iMAR3 is our proven metal artifact reduction algorithm that gives you confidence in tumor visualization.
- TwinSpiral Dual Energy delivers images with the goal of even sharper contrast for excellent soft-tissue visualization.
3 Optional
4 Online gating device such as RGSC or Anzai is required.
5 Werner et al. Intelligent 4D CT Sequence Scanning (i4DCT). Best of Physics at ASTRO 2018.
6 As shown by measurements with a Gammex 467 Tissue Characterization Phantom comparing standard reconstruction and DirectDensity reconstruction. Image value to relative electron/mass density conversion for the standard reconstruction was based on a two-linear-equations approach with individual calibration for each tube voltage. For DirectDensity images, a single tube-voltage-independent linear conversion was used. DirectDensity reconstruction is designed for use in Radiation Therapy Planning (RTP) only. DirectDensity reconstruction is not intended to be used for diagnostic imaging.